4. Extended Warranty

When was the last time you bought something that offered an extended warranty? You probably paid an extra $10 or $100 for that extra couple years of coverage but did you look at what you actually paid for? 

Solution: Certain items benefit from an extended warranty while for others, it just doesn’t make sense. For example paying an extra $50 to insure a $1500 laptop is worth looking into but paying an extra $50 on top of a $300 laptop? … Not so much.

Estimated savings = $10 to over $1000, depending on your purchases that year.

5. Store-Bought Magazines

There are three ways to get a new magazine. You can buy it in-store, order it to be delivered, or read it online. When you buy a magazine in-store you’re paying a huge markup price for it as opposed to purchasing a subscription for the same product. save save save

Solution: Order a subscription. It’s convenient and easy to do online. Plus, you get the product delivered right to your doorsteps.

Estimated savings = $60 per year on 12 issues

6. Birthday Cards

Sure, people like to be remembered on their birthday but that doesn’t mean you need to buy an expensive card. A $6 card that sings “Happy Birthday” might entertain the recipient for about… half a minute, but he/she will probably throw it out or lose it by the end of the week. You can actually make a card that’s unique to you and the person receiving it. If you absolutely must buy a card, get one from the dollar store.

Solution: It’s not the card that matters, it’s the message you send. Writing your message on a dollar store card, stationary paper, or in an eCard means just as much.

Estimated savings: $60 per year

7. Vending Machines

You walk by them every day at work, the mall, the train station. They’re practically everywhere! But the snacks you buy in them are not very filling, not very healthy, and definitely expensive. You don’t need them and you know it (which is why you walk by a few times before deciding to give in)!

Solution: Avoid vending machine snacks altogether. Get your snacks from the grocery store instead. You can save money and even have healthier snacks that way.

Estimated savings = $260

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