We all know at least one person who eats everything in sight but never gains a pound. There are few lucky people who can get away with this, all thanks to a high metabolic rate. The metabolic rate is the speed at which the body burns calories. The higher the metabolic rate, the lower the tendency of putting on weight. Numerous factors such as age, sex, familial characteristics, and pathology affect it. Most of these are unchangeable, but extensive research has shown that other factors like diet, exercise, and sleep can boost one’s metabolism. Here’s how you can boost your metabolism in 7 virtually effortless ways.

1. Pump in protein

Proteins fuel a process call thermogenesis or heat production. This happens due to the energy that is spent on digesting proteins. Everything from muscles, enzymes, hormones, and the immunoglobulin in our bodies are protein. Therefore keeping your protein intake at around 15-20% of your total dietary intake will protect you from infections, reduce your risk of cardiac diseases, and help with weight loss.

2. Guzzle some green tea

Green tea is rich in polyphenols and caffeine. Research has shown green tea extract to improve metabolism by 4% without increasing the heart rate by a process called thermogenesis. It causes fat oxidation and can help reduce waist circumference in the long run.

3. Energize with exercise

A high intensity workout is the most effective way of rapidly speeding your metabolism. It also helps to build muscle mass. A higher muscle mass enables a higher resting metabolic rate, so lift some weights while you’re at the gym instead of just doing cardio.



4. Spice up your meals

Capsaicin, an alkaloid found in chillies, can increase body heat for a short duration. This is because of capsaicin’s calorie-burning and metabolism-boosting properties. So the next time you’re in the kitchen, add a dash of paprika to your meal to get your calories in check.

5. Don’t skip sleep or meals

Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a lowered metabolic rate. Make sure you get your 7 hours of sleep before you gear up for a long day ahead. Avoid crash dieting and skipping meals to keep your weight in control. Have small but frequent meals every 3-4 hours. This will keep you from binging, starving, and slowing down your metabolism as a result. A heavy breakfast, moderate lunch, and light dinner should do the trick.

6. Brew a cup of Joe

Coffee, plain or decaffeinated, contains caffeine. Caffeine can give you that instant shot of metabolism – a kick you can literally feel! A 250 ml cup of coffee a day, preferably at the start of your day will keep you and your metabolism engines running all day long.

7. Give weight to water

Water is never emphasized enough on the list of weight loss methods. Water helps maintain perfect homoeostasis in all the metabolic processes going on in our body and thus aids all other efforts you’re taking to boost your metabolism.

Written by Dr. Rachita Narsaria, M.D.