
home renovation tablet remodeling


Written by Daniel H. | Remodeling a home is quite the worthwhile investment.  Not only do you improve the quality of your living space, but in the event of a move, you can build the expenses into your selling price.  If you’re selling while the real estate market is in good shape, you can add some goodwill expenses to the total renovation costs and make yourself a profit.  The task can seem quite simple: assess the job, buy the parts, and hire help if it’s needed.  But one must plan thoroughly, considering costs over the long-term. Sometimes buying a slightly higher quality product will eliminate maintenance costs in the future.

Perks to Remodeling Your Home with Minimal Assistance or Solo

Lots of contractors offer instruction for small-time remodeling jobs.  It may save you money to simply be taught what you should do, and do the labor yourself.  When it comes to jobs where you may be able to get away without hiring a contractor like Covenant Construction, you can cut costs by stepping in and doing some of the smaller tasks yourself.  These tasks include but aren’t limited to: trimming, cleanup, demolition, insulation, painting, and sanding.  On the other hand, completing the work solo is another option.  Some of the ways you can save while going solo:

  1. Recycling – For liability purposes, contractors generally avoid second-hand materials because they’re on the hook if it doesn’t work.  But if you’re the one doing the remodeling, you have the choice of using recycled materials.
  2. Tax deductions – You can donate your old unneeded materials like old bathtubs, sinks, or cabinets.
  3. A great money saving tip is to increase efficiency.  You want to be able to fully utilize the areas of the home you’re remodeling.

I Need a Contractor, How Can I Still Save?

To go along with the previously listed ways you can step in, you can also pick up the materials yourself.  If you don’t own a pickup truck, but you have access to a small SUV, you can purchase a single-axle utility trailer for a couple hundred dollars.

Towing this trailer behind the SUV pays for itself after a couple trips.  Instead of being charged sixty to eighty dollars per delivery (times upwards of six or seven depending on the assignment), you can save hundreds by investing in your own small trailer.

When Is the Best Time to Hire a Contractor?

Various foods have their seasons.  Contractors are no different.  Trying to hire a contractor mid-summer or when general family expenses are at their highest (back to school shopping / tuition) will get you the worst deal.  Remodeling contractors take on more jobs to meet family related expenses.  Their increased revenue is great news for them but bad news for you.  During this time contractors are spreading themselves thin, which hampers the quality of service you receive.  The best way to save money when remodeling your home is to properly assess the job, see what aspects of it you can handle yourself, and picking a contractor who will give you great service and undivided attention, preferably not in the summer.

About the author

Daniel taps into guest posting as a tool for businesses. He is working inside The City of Angeles where he functions as an office manager for an online marketing corporation. He looks forward to visitors thinking about his own info as found on G+.