
living well


Written by Julianne Keu | What does living well mean to you? Is it an abundance of wealth or the ability to do whatever your heart desires? Does it mean you get to spend your time with the people you love most, or avoid the people who bring you negativity? People realize what it is they truly want at different stages of their life. Whatever the case may be for you, here are two principles to help guide you:

1. Create rich life experiences

Life is really just a collection of experiences. Some experiences lead to self-improvement while others simply set us back. Other experiences make us feel fantastic and some leave us feeling stressed out. Instead of waiting for great experiences to fall before you, create your own.

Rich life experiences are experiences you plan for yourself with a sense of purpose. In other words, you decide what kind of experience you want to have and then you make it happen. It can be guided by a passion, a potential passion, or simply a healthy dose of curiosity.

For instance, if you’re someone who loves to paint, create opportunities to start painting. Draw inspiration from places in which you live and once you’ve outgrown these places, plan a trip to see the world’s other hidden gems or take a class from a seasoned expert.

2. Keep life simple

Living well does not necessarily mean doing more. On the contrary, living well may require you to cut back and focus your attention on select parts of your life. Some revealing questions that will help you “de-clutter” are:

  • What do you really want?
  • If you could do anything, have anything, or be anyone, what would you do, what would you have, and what kind of person would you be?
  • If there were no restraints placed upon you, what would it be that makes you happy?
  • What is it that gives you an unwavering sense of purpose and fulfillment?

There is no one actionable definition for living well. There is also not one milestone you have to cross in order to live well. Living well is merely a state of being; one that you can ease into today. Don’t know where to start? Make a list of at least 10 things you would really like to do sometime in the near future. Let your mind run wild. Your list can be grand, simple, general, or specific. See if you can find recurring themes in it. These themes will give you an idea of what your passions are. From there, let them guide you.